Montag, 24. September 2012

Plan B

Previousely titled as "Plan B" and also available on YouTube. This part has been taken while we were in a totally creative phase of composing. (Recorded with a mobile)
Enjoy ;)

Sonntag, 23. September 2012

Blackwater news

As some of you requested to hear something we are actually working on, we took the decision to not only record a song and post it, but to camcord ourselves and create a kind of video foretaste.
What you will see and hear is the first part of a song called Blackwater. The reason to choose this song is that it is representing in a short frame what we intend to do. Unfortunately this is the Intro of the song and the vocals will not be part of it. However, this fact gave more time to Nico to create the pictures. (Thank you Nic) Also we just want to point out that this is the first time a song has been taped together with our new member Nicolas. We are now complete and on the best way to present ourselves in 2013.