Dienstag, 29. April 2014

After Tank Re- Re- Re- Loaded

BADABOUUUM, here we go. We are very proud to announce that Roland Modaff (Bass) and Mil Garofalo (Guitar) joined the Band.

It would really take more space than this blog could offer to describe these two guys' musical past. Just to notice at this point that both are best and well known in Luxembourg's. music scene.

You will find definately more info on our homepage, (probably "aftertank.lu") that will go life soon and will be announced here.
So far there only one thing left to say that we are actually highly motivated and working on new and "old" songs. So, keep on havin a look into this blog and facebook to get more information of the progress.

From Friday 2nd May on, we will have rehearsals at Rock Hal again. (For those who want to join us before or after the rehearsals at the Pub...)