Freitag, 13. Januar 2012

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to all of you from us, After Tank!

I know it's a while ago since I posted something here but the reason is that we focussed on composings and had nothing really new to post (appart the fact that we progressed better than we thought)

Furthermore, we have had some separate rehearsals over the winter holiday period.
What does this mean? Well, Yves, Mulles and Nico worked separately on some new songs on a very acoustic basis, while I was rehearsing for the Christmas Concert with Harmonie Forge du Sud of Dudelange, a local Brass Band. (
The best about this was that, beside having a complete different musical approach as usual, we met right after the rehearsals and exchanged our experiences. For Yves, Mulles and Nico it was a complete new composing attitude and for me a trip back in time. All in all the guys made another song and collected a few very good Ideas for further songs whereas I was able to refresh some "classic" percussion and drumming basics I wasn't practicing since the last 15 years.

From now on, you will have regular updates at this place. Pictures, Videos (better than  the very bad one I took with my tab while trying to play with one hand only. Beware: Very low sound quality) will take place as well as informations about upcoming events.
So, the whole Band hopes you'll stay tuned ;)

Have a nice one,

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